Sow Thistle Fairy 86962 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Sow Thistle Fairy with Base 88962 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Speedwell Fairy 86941 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Stitchwort Fairy 87019 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Storks-Bill Fairy 87029 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Strawberry Fairy w/o Flower 86908 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Sweet Chestnut Fairy 86959 (boxed) (RETIRED but in)
Sweet Chestnut Fairy with Base 88959 (boxed) (RETIRED but in)
Tansy Fairy 86965 (no box) (RETIRED but in stock)
Tansy Fairy with Base 88965 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Thrift Fairy 87000 (no box) (RETIRED but in stock)
Totter-Grass Fairy 87012 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Traveller's Joy Fairy 87028 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Tulip Fairy with Base (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Tulip Fairy with Flower 86978 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Tulip Fairy without Flower 86978 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Wallflower Fairy 86981 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Wayfaring Tree Fairy 86902 (box small tear) (RETIRED but in stock)
Wayfaring Tree Fairy with Base 88902 (box)(RETIRED but in stock)
White Bindweed Fairy 86925 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
White Bindweed Fairy with Base 88925 (boxed) (RETIRED but in)
White Bryony Fairy 87013 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
White Clover Fairy 86951 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Wild Cherry Blossom w/o Flower (no box) 86904 (RET'D-in)