Embrace Plaque 26509
Emily & Egg 420335
Every Flower Tealight Candle Holder 16614
Every Garden Tealight Candle Holder 16610
Eyebright Fairy with Base 88967 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Faery & Goblin Print
Faery Moon Bookmark
Fairy Gardening Book
Faith 1011
Family Memory Box 26623
Family Ornament 26127 (RETIRED but in stock)
Father and Daughter 26031
Father and Son (box creased) 26030
Felicia and Flutterwings 1615 *LIMITED* - FIRST in Spring Series
Femme Felines - Lion Diva 87862
Fifi Frasier 173184
Finaflight Ornament
Fire Element
Fire Element Notecard
Fire Element Print
Firefly Notecard
Firefly Print
Flags Plush Classic