Ima Lady 3712
Ima Patriot 3685
Imagine Print
Iris Fairy 87038 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Irish Charm 26245
It's a Boy 171013
It's a Girl 171014
It's Been A Long Day Bookmark
Ivana Crumpet 1524
Izzy A. Reindeer 173144
Jack O'Lantern Ornaments - Set of 3 - 16207
Jack-by-the-Hedge Fairy 86926 (no box) (RETIRED but in stock)
Jack-by-the-Hedge Fairy with Base 88926 (boxed) (RETIRED but in)
Jack-go-to-bed-at-Noon Fairy 86930 (boxed) (RETIRED but in)
Jack-go-to-bed-at-Noon Fairy with Base 88930 (boxed)(RETIRED-in)
Jaida 420192
Jake Jack O' Lantern 181329
Jasmine Fairy 87039 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Je t'aime (I Love You) 26231
Jersey Black *RARE*
Jersey Brown *RARE*