With Love 26182
With My Grandmother 26244
Woolie Carrysome 7303
Yappy 5330S
Yappy-yorkie RETIRED
Yarrow Fairy 86994 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Yippy 5330T
Yorkie *RARE*
You're the Best 26248
Zinnia Fairy with Flower 86993 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Zinnia Fairy without Flower 86993 (slight tear in box) (RETIRED but in stock)
Zodiac Aquarius Fairy Ornament 88202
Zodiac Aquarius Print
Zodiac Aries Fairy Ornament 88204
Zodiac Aries Print
Zodiac Cancer Print
Zodiac Capricorn Print
Zodiac Collector's Display Stand
Zodiac Gemini Fairy Ornament 88206
Zodiac Gemini Print
Zodiac Leo Fairy Ornament 88208
Zodiac Leo Print
Zodiac Libra Fairy Ornament 88210