Eyebright Fairy with Base 88967 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Fairy Gardening Book
Forget-Me-Not Girl Fairy with Flower 86988 (boxed) (RET'D but in
Foxglove Fairy 87007 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Fuchsia Fairy 86991 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Fumitory Fairy 86911 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Fumitory Fairy with Base 88911 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Gaillardia Fairy 86931 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Gaillardia Fairy with Base 88931 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Geranium Fairy w/o Flower 86992 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Geranium Fairy with Flower 86992 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Greater Celandine Fairy 86905 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Greater Knapweed Fairy 86969 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Guelder Rose Fairy 86921 (no box) (RETIRED but in stock)
Guelder Rose Fairy with Base 88921 (boxed)(RETIRED but in stock)
Harebell Fairy 87030 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Hawthorn Fairy 86936 (no box) (RETIRED but in stock)
Heart's Ease Fairy 87024 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Heather Fairy 87033 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Heliotrope Fairy 86920 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Herb Robert Fairy 87002 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Holly Fairy 86935 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Honeysuckle Fairy 87003 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Iris Fairy 87038 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)