Jack-by-the-Hedge Fairy 86926 (no box) (RETIRED but in stock)
Jack-by-the-Hedge Fairy with Base 88926 (boxed) (RETIRED but in)
Jack-go-to-bed-at-Noon Fairy 86930 (boxed) (RETIRED but in)
Jack-go-to-bed-at-Noon Fairy with Base 88930 (boxed)(RETIRED-in)
Jasmine Fairy 87039 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Laburnum Fairy 87032 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Lady's Smock Fairy 87015 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Larch Fairy 87005 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Lavender Fairy 86906 w/o Flower (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Lavender Fairy with Flower 86906 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Lilac Fairy 87025 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Lily of the Valley Fairy 86977 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Lily of the Valley Fairy with Base 88977 (box) (RETIRED but in)
Mallow Fairy 87037 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Marigold Fairy 86979 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
May Fairy 87026 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Michaelmas Daisy Fairy 87018 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Mountain Ash Fairy 86901 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Mulberry Fairy 86955 (RETIRED but in stock)
Mulberry Fairy with Base 88955 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Narcissus Fairy 86975 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Nasturtium Fairy 86909 (boxed) (RETIRED but in stock)
Nasturtium Fairy without flower 86909 (boxed) (RETIRED but in)
Nightshade Berry Fairy 86932 (no box) (RETIRED but in stock)